
Reminisce in a sentence
Reminisce in a sentence

reminisce in a sentence

Beyond Total Capture: A Constructive Critique of Lifelogging. The past next door: Neighbourly relations with digital memory-artefacts. Effects of age on involuntary autobiographical memories.

  • Schlagman, S., Kvavilashvili, L., and Schulz, J.
  • AutoTopography: what can physical mementos tell us about digital memories? In Proc.
  • Petrelli, D., Whittaker, S., and Brockmeier, J.
  • Making history: intentional capture of future memories.
  • Petrelli, D., Hoven, E., van den, and Whittaker, S.
  • Family memories in the home: contrasting physical and digital mementos. Opportunities for odor: experiences with smell and implications for technology.
  • Obrist, M., Tuch, A.N., and Hornbaek, K.
  • Food for Talk: Phototalk in the Context of Sharing a Meal.
  • O'Hara, K., Helmes, J., Sellen, A.J., et al.
  • An emergent framework for digital memorials. A death in the family: opportunities for designing technologies for the bereaved. On human remains: Values and practice in the home archiving of cherished objects. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 69, 5 (2011), 298-310. A saunter down memory lane: Digital reflection on personal mementos. Echoes from the past: how technology mediated reflection improves well-being.
  • Isaacs, E., Konrad, A., Walendowski, A., et al.
  • Introduction to this Special Issue on Designing for Personal Memories: Past, Present, and Future.
  • Hoven, E., van den, Sas, C., and Whittaker, S.
  • The effect of cue media on recollections. The cue is key: Design for real-life remembering. Meerkat and tuba: design alternatives for randomness, surprise and serendipity in reminiscing.
  • Helmes, J., O'Hara, K., Vilar, N., and Taylor, A.S.
  • Digital artifacts as legacy: exploring the lifespan and value of digital data.
  • Gulotta, R., Odom, W., Forlizzi, J., and Faste, H.
  • Facilitating parent-teenager communication through interactive photo cubes.

    reminisce in a sentence reminisce in a sentence

    Experiences With Designing Tools for Everyday Reminiscing. Cosley, D., Sosik, V.S., Schultz, J., et al.The construction of autobiographical memories in the selfmemory system. Using the Past to Enhance the Present: Boosting Happiness Through Positive Reminiscence. Bryant, F.B., Smart, C.M., and King, S.P.Forgetting as a feature, not a bug: the duality of memory and implications for ubiquitous computing. Peripheral interaction: characteristics and considerations. Bakker, S., Hoven, E., van den, and Eggen, J.H.International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 69, 5 (2011), 338-349. Data Souvenirs: Environmental psychology and reflective design. Aipperspach, R., Hooker, B., and Woodruff, A.We discuss how design for remembering can benefit from our insights, through careful trade-offs in timing, exposure to cues, and supporting a process of personal attachment with items invoking memories. Meaningful relations to memory cues can be partially explained from a memory cueing perspective. Qualitative analysis of the data showed that these participants were relying on everyday physical objects like food items for cueing memories during everyday life, locations and (repeated) activities, while digital items and photos were shown to be less frequent stimulants. Data was collected from fifteen adult individuals, using sentence completion diaries, combined with debriefing interviews. Prior work focused on mementos in the home instead, this paper presents a diary and interview study of involuntary memory cueing in everyday life. These designs require insight into what brings the past to mind, and how people relate to such cues.

    reminisce in a sentence

    Interactive devices can support personal remembering to benefit well-being.

    Reminisce in a sentence